Bicycle seats that won’t cause impotence or prostate cancer

First of all YES cyclists often suffer from impotence. Yes and I myself was affected by this many years ago when I was about 30.

Its not as if I did not know. Up until that time I had deliberately avoided cycling for this very reason but inexplicably I took it up for six months at a local gym. That was all it took.

Remember a 100 kg body builder is putting all of that weight on the same surface area as a small 12 year old child might while riding a bike. So the bigger you are the more damage cycling will do to your body.

I noticed a numb crotch while riding after 20 minutes or so. After a few months I stopped getting morning erections. At that point I stopped cycling – but it was too late.

I am a virile, randy heterosexual guy. But cycling not only killed my morning erections, it also killed my random erections during the day. You know how you might be sitting on the bus and a hot girl gets on and gives you the eye – you get a boner sometimes right?, or you may be sitting at home and have some sexual fantasy about a lady – boner time.

Well it all ended – I could still get a full erection but found it only happened usually while having sex or masturbating. I damaged my damned crotch simply by cycling.

Usually this is irreversible according to standard western medicine. We will discuss potential cures later.

First cycling is good except for this problem – the solution is a crotchless seat.

crotch bicycle seat

The best I have come across (no pun intended) is spyderflex

spyder seat

spyder seat

Here is a list of others:


noseless seat bicycle


seat bike

This one still puts some pressure on “the region” – Its cheap but I wouldn’t buy it


crotchless seat

Personally I’d go for DD Wings or Spyderflex – Who cares what it looks like – cycling looks fricken gay anyhow.

OK there is a huge selection – don’t go making your self impotent like I did.

Finally what about a cure after the damage is done? Well the only thing I can think of that directly addresses this is QiGong KungFu – these guys can take a full force kick to the balls so I’m sure they can fix a little cycling induced erectile disfunction.

Iron Crotch

Yes I am perfectly serious – You wanna fix it or not?

Iron Crotch Package

Health Bar Package

iron crotch qigong

The chinese name for this is Tiedan Gong which involves massage & lifting weights from the penis & scrotum. Tiedang gong means kongfu of Iron penis.

Now if you can stomach this gross video of some dude touching another dudes penis without throwing up… you may learn something.

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