How to make Pine Pollen into a potent steroidal agent

OK we are all familiar with Pine Pollen tincture. This is where the pollen is soaked in alcohol for a minimum 2 weeks and the solution is administered sublingually. Most of the solution is alcohol & the testosterone is diluted.

This is similar to how cannabis oil is made. The cannabis leaf or head is soaked in isopropylene and the resulting solution is similar to a herbal tincture – except that you dont want to be using isopropylene for a tincture. What they do next is boil the isopropylene in a pot on the stove for 1-2 hours until they have a sticky residue. That is cannabis resin & it is 80% THC. This is normally then smoked.

What I want to propose is that the Pine Pollen tincture is similarly boiled on a stove top to remove the alcohol:

A study conducted by the US Department of Agriculture’s Nutrient Data Laboratory calculated the percentage of alcohol remaining in a dish based on various cooking methods. The results are as follows:

Preparation Method and Percent of Alcohol Retained

alcohol added to boiling liquid & removed from heat: 85%
alcohol flamed: 75%
no heat, stored overnight: 70%
baked, 25 minutes, alcohol not stirred into mixture: 45%

baked/simmered, alcohol stirred into mixture:
15 minutes – 40%
30 minutes – 35%
1 hour – 25%
1.5 hours – 20%
2 hours – 10%
2.5 hours – 5%

If I boil off the alcohol in pine pollen tincture its about 80 Celsius – the same as a hot sauna – much lower than waters boiling point.

OK so you can see from above this will leave you with a greatly concentrated androgenic residue – Keep in mind that I do not know how resilient the androgens are to heat extraction & I will update this post when I find out. Basically at this point if the androgens and other nutrients are intact then you have a very potent steroid.

But I dont expect you to smoke it. The reason I thought of this is that the only effective way to absorb it is in a suppository & to do that it must be melted into cocoa butter – something that cant be done with a tincture.

You can add nettle or another herb to protect your prostate also. Suppositories are gross & I never took one until a couple of weeks back. Basically its the same as treating a hemorrhoid. It takes 1-2 seconds to stick the suppository in then you squeeze your butt for 5-10 minutes. That’s it, nothing gay, homo or fag involved. Its just a gross thing to do. Same as wiping your ass after a crap, do you dwell upon it all day? no of course not.

I use a plastic bag for hygiene then toss it out after – very simple.

Now there are a couple of questions.

Dosing? dont ask me I dont know how much androgen will be in your preparation.

Will the testosterone & other stuff survive the heat? I dont know – will try find out.

Finally will you need to cycle this – well if the stuff in it survives the heat almost certainly as it will be 20x stronger than tincture with 50-80% absorption.

So there you go a 100% legal steroid made from pine tree pollen.

UPDATE: Tried it once via suppository & will be sticking to sub-lingual. Suppositories are gross. I’m gunna reserve that for stuff with no alternative.

Testosterone has a low MOL so will easily pass through under the tongue.

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