Peace of Mind

The things that provide Peace of Mind are simple things. Many people lack Peace of Mind because they seek it from the wrong things.

Money for example with or without does not provide Peace of Mind. Without it you worry how to make ends meet. With it your problems are amplified.

Relationships and emotional entanglements certainly do not provide it.

Here are the things that do provide true Peace of Mind…

Peace and Quiet
Physical Culture

Those things in a proper balance and application can provide what we all seek – sanity.

Solitude and silence in a beautiful natural environment are great. But to enjoy these things your physical & mental state must be well.

You must make your own explorations of physical culture & mentalism.

Erotisism is just a bit of the old nookie, not an obsessive love affair – just a bit of a spice up.
For me that means shagging a few hot chicks and hanging out at the strip club.

These things I find can remove the petty madness of society and the world from my thoughts.

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