Posts Tagged ‘im rings’

Body by jake IM Rings

I decided on the weekend to get into suspension training. Bought a copy of the new book “Rings of Power” from dragon door.
Its a very brief book but it was only $10. There are better materials out there like “Suspension Revolution” and a book “Sling Training” from meyer & meyer sport.

First step was to get a chinning bar for my doorway. I decided on the gofit brand because it is 8 inches higher than other brands. A bit peeved at elitefitness in Auckland though as they still have not shipped 5 days later.

For my suspension gear I was prepared to fork out $150 for an Adidas 360 but quite by chance came across the IM Rings – a super good deal compared to all the rest. Also I see good reviews all over the net.

im rings

im rings

chinning bar

pullup bar
