Posts Tagged ‘quds’

Cycling for Knee Strength & Rehabilitation

I am doing 3 months knee rehabilitation before I get back into my special forces style weight vest training. That kind of training will reveal any weakness & for me it turned out to be knee’s. Not surprising when doing 3 heavy long marches each week So if you saw my prior post on it I found a bunch of knee rehab programs which I am doing every day.

Luckily I have found the best exercise of all is the stationary bike. Which brought to my attention a German sprint cyclist at the Olympics. This guy is getting in the news because of his bodybuilder level thigh development.

cyclis legs

cyclist legs

thigh legs development

big legs

cyclist big thighs

By incorporating weights & sprint training on a stationary bike the knees can be strengthened particularly by increasing development of the internal quadriceps which is often a cause of knee pain – when the quads are too weak in relation to the required load on the knees.
